My father lost his best air conditioner

My Dad’s favorite a/c just stopped working, and I feel terrible for my dad because he has wanted to use that a/c for a long time, despite the fact that I don’t think that he has actually installed it in his house for a few years. It was his favorite a/c, and when he finally went to test it out this year, it didn’t work. I was there with him when he tried out the a/c, and it was obvious by the look of disappointment on his face that he was pretty sad that his a/c didn’t work anymore. He told me that he regretted not using it more often because he loved that a/c so much. He said that it was the best window a/c that he had even used. It cooled his house so nicely. He said that his entire house could be cooled with just that one a/c. I asked him why he didn’t use it these past few years if it was such a wonderful a/c, and he said that it was because it was a very heavy a/c, and he didn’t like it when no one was at the house with him to make sure he was okay. I told him that he should have asked me to come over, however he just brushed off my comment. I am going to try to find another a/c just like that one for my dad. It is an old a/c, so I don’t know if I will have any luck finding another one, despite that fact, I hope that I will.


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