Maybe I should have started with the professional, first.

I am not the type that likes to ask for help.

I know how to go online and find videos that tell me how to repair everything on my own.

I have already repaired the bathroom sink. I learned how to fix the switch in my lights. I was also able to repair the toilet, and all because of the videos on the internet. When my air conditioning unit failed, I thought I should be able to repair it on my own. I knew that it wasn’t blowing cool air like it should. I went online and I checked out different videos. When I came to the problem, I thought it should be a simple fix. I carefully pulled the AC unit apart and looked for where the internet said the problem was. I cleaned the fan and checked to make sure it was moving freely. I cleaned the area around the fan. I then checked to make sure there wasn’t anything blocking the outside air vents. When i was sure I had done everything it said to do on the internet, I put the air conditioning unit back together again. I turned the power on, and flipped the switch to the AC unit. Nothing happened. I didn’t have any cool air. I actually didn’t have anything happening. The air conditioner was dead in the water. I called the HVAC company who just happened to have someone in the area. They sent the technician over to the house. An hour later, the technician had arrived, checked and repaired the AC unit. It was a small part that cost me less than $10. I guess some things still need the professional touch.
air quality