Learning in a group is better than alone

When my close associate got into the vaping business, he was genuinely excited to get started.

He had so many ideas for E-juice filling flavors plus wanted to hop on the upcoming CBD oil craze immediately; so, he even bought himself a CBD oil cartridge filling unit in addition to his normal E-liquid bottle filling machine for regular cartridges.

One day I was in his vape shop at an weird time plus asked him politely for a behind the scenes tour. He obliged, of course, plus ended up going and showing myself and others how everything worked behind closed doors. I was shocked at how much went into making E-juice filling flavors! I admittedly also did not realize just how neat the oil cartridge filling machines were to operate; these things even print plus stick the label! I mentioned to him off-handedly that he could truly charge people to come into the back of the little shop plus show them how the E-juice filling gets made plus how the vape oil cartridge filling machines work. The next thing I knew, I swear, my associate had started charging for tours to check out the new vape bottle filling machines plus learn about how the E-juice filling gets made each time! The other thing that he did was that he gave specific lessons on how to use, wash plus improve your oil cartridge filling machines over time. I couldn’t guess that people were genuinely paying for this! Though, it occurred to myself and others later that the vaping community is a pretty close knit one, plus they went to learn about how the E-juice filling unit genuinely works for companionship plus camaraderie.
E-Juice Filling Machine