My A/C broke but I wanted to fix it myself

My air conditioning broke down a few weeks ago but I really wanted to fix it myself.

I hate having to pay someone else my hard earned money for them to fix something for me when I could just do it myself.

I am a do it yourself type of person, and over the years I’ve taught myself to fix all kinds of things, from the brakes in my car to my ice maker in the freezer. Usually I am really good at figuring stuff out or at least being able to watch a “how to” video and then figure it out myself. However, that wasn’t exactly the case when it came to the air conditioning situation I found myself in last month when it stopped working. It was hot that week, and I do mean hot. The weather was brutally hot and humid, and it seemed like the temperatures were just heating up more and more throughout the day. When the air conditioning stopped working, I had just come in from mowing the yard and I was burning up! All I wanted to do was sit down and watch TV in the A/C, but then I figured out pretty quickly that the A/C wasn’t working! I messed around with it for a bit and then I watched a video on an HVAC website but that didn’t help me either. That was one time when I gave up on fixing it myself fairly quickly. It was so hot that I didn’t really care how much it cost me to get a professional HVAC technician on the job!


a/c installation