Hoping to do the class online

With the pandemic still prevalent, I can’t do my normal group fitness class at the core progression near me.

  • Everything is closed down except for crucial businesses; Restaurants and bars are reduced capacity and you need to wear a face mask! I am stuck at my house doing work online with ample time on my hands.

Now is the perfect time to really get into shape. I would love to do a few days a week at my local fitness class; However, because of the pandemic, I am down to no days. The core progression fitness center right now isn’t offering online fitness classes. I am stuck with no way to work out, however since I attend a gym that has everything from treadmills, free weights, ellipticals plus mats, I have nothing in our home. I also have no clue how to respectfully work out since a personal trainer runs the class for me. I know I need a wonderful warm up, stretch, cardio work, weightlifting activity, plus cool down. I have no clue what to do however. I have been trying to recreate my fitness class at home but it is pitiful. I keep checking my fitness center online and calling their number hoping to get more info on how long they will be closed. I am thinking if I get enough people together if my fitness expert will teach our class online. I can’t be the only person struggling, and maybe if there are enough of us we make it worth our fitness experts time plus effort to hold a class.


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