The portable A/C secret

It’s hard to say what I was thinking when I decided to work at a theme park.

  • I guess it’s not working at the theme park that’s the problem, it’s working in the theme park costume.

I could have done just about anything else at the theme park. I probably would have preferred being a janitor at the theme park or anything else. When I go around wearing that costume, I have to interact with all these people while acting happy, even though I am sweating to death in the outfit. There is no cooling relief whatsoever, not until I take my breaks. At least the breakroom I go to has good air conditioning. I remember talking to some of the other guys about my problem with roasting to death in the theme park costume. They told me a little secret about being more comfortable. They all showed me they had these little portable A/C units that were powered by rechargeable batteries. They all had two sets of batteries that would be used each shift. When they would go out on the theme park streets, they would have their portable A/C unit working, while the other set of batteries would be charging. I realized that this plan was brilliant. When I finally purchased my own portable A/C unit, I finally was able to get the cooling relief that I needed. After that, I realized the job wasn’t so bad. I was actually able to have a good time for a change. I’m really glad that those guys filled me in on the portable A/C secret.


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