I bought 2 air conditioners for my camper

I bought 2 air conditioners for my camper.

I have no idea what I was thinking.

My camper is only about twenty-several feet long, why would I need 2 air conditioners? I have no idea. I particularly did not need 2 air conditioners, although I got suckered into buying 2, the store that I bought them at was closing, so they had some particularly wonderful deals going on. The air conditioners were buy a single get a single seventy-numerous percent off. It was such a wonderful deal that I could not pass it up. I should have passed it up because I particularly did not need 2 air conditioners. My daughter told myself and others to try to sell the minute air conditioner because I could really make cash off of it, although I cannot figure out how to get it online for sale. I have tried several weird websites, although I am not technologically inclined, so I cannot seem to figure out how to sell my minute air conditioner. I decided to take both air conditioners with myself and others when I went camping this Last yearjust to see if using 2 air conditioners would be worth it. Well, I about froze myself to death. It had to have been about fifty degrees in my camper. It was too cold. I really will not be taking both air conditioners again. I only need a single air conditioner. The a single air conditioner cools the entire camper to sixty-eight degrees, & I don’t want it any cooler than that. I know I will have to get my daughter to help myself and others sell the minute air conditioner online.

Air conditioning professional