Working out every single day makes a difference

I make it a point to workout every morning for at least an hour.

It isn’t always convenient or easy to do.

There are times when I’m tired or sore or busy. Sometimes, I need to set my alarm extremely early in order to complete my fitness regimen before heading to work or some appointment. I am convinced that the sacrifice is worth it. I always feel better after the workout. I get my heart pumping, work up a good sweat and exert my muscles. I then have more energy throughout the rest of the day. I’ve found that I am more productive when I workout in the morning, and I can even get rid of a headache with intense aerobic activity. My workouts are a mix of strength training, stretches, static holds and high impact aerobics. I include all sorts of lungest, squats, abdominal crunches and leg lifts. I jump rope, run, skip, do jumping jacks and just about anything to increase my heart rate and get myself breathless. I also lift free weights between three and eight pounds with high repetition. Because of my dedication to a physically fit way of life, I’ve maintained my same weight as I’ve gotten older. I’ve had no health issues, such as high blood pressure or sore knees. I sleep good at night and am able to keep up with my hobbies, such as rock climbing, hiking, kayaking and tennis. While many of my friends are unhappy with how they look and complain over something as simply as walking up a flight of stairs, I still feel strong, healthy and fit.
