The old gym is getting a wild new makeover

I live in a neighborhood where most of the buildings are run down and dilapidated. Some of them should be torn down with a bulldozer, but some of the buildings still have some charm and character. At the end of Green Street, there is an old boxing gym. The gym used to be a very busy place in the 1970s. In fact, the owner of the boxing gym had three Cadillacs that always sat in the parking lot. He had a bodyguard at the front door and the exit. When I was a kid, the gym have an exhibition match between Muhammad Ali and an unknown kid from the neighborhood. I still remember the gym filled with many different members of our community. The building where the famous boxing gym once stood has been vacant for at least 10 years. When the owner died, the building went to a trust. No one has bothered to fix up or demolish the property until a few weeks ago. There was a large sign on the outside of the building last Tuesday. The new owners are going to renovate the entire building and turn the place into a CrossFit gym. We don’t have any CrossFit gyms in this area, so my friends and I are excited. We have been driving out to the beach every weekend to attend a CrossFit gym. Having one closer means being able to work out more frequently. I expect all of the remodeling will take several months. A lot of changes will need to take place, before the building is up to code and safe for residents, employees, and patrons.

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