It’s that time of the year when I really need to get air conditioner service

I went a whole year without getting maintenance or service on anything in my house.

I was just getting through each month with a new and difficult job, so many of my responsibilities fell to the wayside.

It’s surprising how much difference silicone caulk can make in your bathrooms and kitchen. I kept cleaning mold off the grout in between my tiles and I decided to look on the internet for help. Within two days I had bought a caulking gun with several tubes to go throughout my house, hitting everything from sinks to window sills. Overnight I noticed a reduction in mold growth in my shower after caulking any visible cracks or gaps in the grout. But as time went on, it was like I forgot about the caulk and the maintenance that would be required if any of it got worn away over time. I noticed that more mold is growing in my shower as a result of not resealing the grout after doing it the last time. On top of that, I have been neglecting my air conditioner. I haven’t had my technician inspect or service my central HVAC system in well over two years. In that time, I have gone periods as long as six months between filter changes. Even though I buy filters that are better than the cheap ones, I’d find a filter caked with dust and dirt whenever I’d remember to replace it. I’m going to call my HVAC technician in a few days to come out for general maintenance on the heating and cooling system. Hopefully my neglect did not result in any unfixable problems.



Home owner solutions