Portable AC helps make poker night a regular activity

It’s hard to get all of my friends together to play cards during the summer.

One of the biggest reasons is due to the heat, humidity, and extremely high temperatures.

When the temperatures are cool, we can easily play cards in the garage. The cool air isn’t too bad with the door closed. We also have two small space heaters. Unfortunately, I don’t have any cool air in the area. I thought about adding a window AC unit to the space, but I never spent the money. Of course, the outdoor temperatures are getting warmer and warmer with each passing year. One by one, my friends have stopped coming around on summer saturdays. We no longer have enough people to play a regular game of cards. That’s why I decided to buy a portable AC unit. I researched several different models before I made the purchase. I even talked to an expert online in one of those chat sessions. With the portable AC unit, I can easily move the machine from one area of my home to another. I can easily cool the garage when my friends and I are playing cards. I can also move the portable AC unit to other areas in my home. I found a portable AC unit that was reasonably priced. It even includes all of the necessary attachments to properly install the machine. Now maybe we can get a good game of cards going next Saturday. I should have a special poker party to mark the occasion. Free beer and chips is a great way to get people to come!
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